'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Update: BioWare Confirms 'Trespasser' DLC, Official Trailer Released

"Dragon Age: Inquisition," gets a release date from Bioware. The DLC titled "Trespasser" had a leaked trailer.

BioWare has indeed released the trailer for the previously leaked DLC, "Trespasser," adding to the fact that the expansion will be the final content that will be added to the game, PC Gamer confirmed.

"Trespasser," the newly released DLC trailer, was going around the web last weekend, Eurogamer spotted. According to fans, it appears like the Electronic Arts Spain has unintentionally and prematurely released the said trailer on the Internet. The speculation even grew when it was soon taken down by the game publisher.

"Trespasser" trailer has since been substituted by the official one, right after the developer announced the confirmation.

"Dragon Age: Inquisition" final DLC "Trespasser's" plot was revealed, the developer explained that the story takes place several years after account of the main game. BioWare stated in an official announcement, "It's something we haven't tried before: an epilogue. Trespasser tells an entirely new story, set two years after the main game."

"The story explores what it's like to be a world-saving organization when the world no longer needs saving. It's a chance to meet and talk with old friends, to uncover a new threat, and ultimately decide the fate of the Inquisition you worked so hard to build. It might just contain hints about the future of Thedas, too," Bioware continued.

"Dragon Age: Inquisition" developer also advised gamers that "To play Trespasser, you'll need a character that has completed 'DAI's' main storyline, which is partly why we're announcing it a bit earlier-from-release than the others."

"Trespasser" is rumored to be released on Sept. 8, although Bioware gave no official date yet. For those who were not that lucky to watch the first trailer, you can watch the latest trailer from the official YouTube channel of "Dragon Age."

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