‘Falling Skies’ Season 5 Review: A Promising Start But with a Lackluster Finish

IGN agrees that the final season of "Falling Skies" indeed began with a good start, if not a great one. In fact the first half of the season has been noted to be working well. Admittedly, there were no standout episodes but it has run fairly well- a smooth sailing run so to speak.

As per observation of IGN, it says that when the "2nd mass were on the offensive after Tom blew up a facility on the moon and everything looked like it was building to a well-planned finale with ten episodes of room to develop some conflict and mystery."

But then after the 5th episode of "Falling Skies", the plot went dull. The Christian Post says that the expectation fell short. For a final season, viewers would like to see dramatic and riveting episodes.

It says that finale season of "Falling Skies" has a "confused script riddled with cliches and an overdose of machines." The substance of the story is in a way tasteless. "Tom Mason saves Earth by knocking off the Espheni queen."

Well, that could be the ultimate goal of the series. But then details like having aliens who are kind, Tom loving Anne so much that's hard for him to let when she finally succumbs to the wounds she had. Then, "he carries Anne's body to the river where a new alien form awaits them. These aliens have tentacles and they drag Anne out of the river and saves her."

The show can do better than giving its audience those kind of scenes. The showrunner could choose to eliminate too much soppy scenes, it definitely ruins the great premise of alien invasion.

It might be safe to say that the rest of the episodes have wasted that promising start. It definitely has "started off as a great alien occupation drama that showed great promise for a lot of scenarios to be blended in. Instead, the series progressively became a soap opera with lots of distractions." Some are scenes such as "the alien baby who ages fast, the overdose of machines, and the inevitable clash of humans against their own kind in spite of a horrible alien at our doorstep," are no longer essential.

People would or would not remember that once upon a time, "Falling Skies" is a great alien occupation drama that started off with a great promise, but it ends lacking the brilliance that fans of Steven Spielberg expect.

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