‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Series Discussion: Plotholes, Character Development, and Conspiracy Theories

"Fear The Walking Dead" is meddled with conspiracy theories when it comes to how the storyline is going. Critics think that AMC is brewing an episode with a similar version to "The Rise of the Governor" aside from falling into the stupidity trap.

Inquisitr says that despite some rumors and conspiracy theories are being debunked by "Fear The Walking" showrunners, these kind of hypotheses keep crawling back and never die so easily, or never die at all. Sometimes these speculations lead everyone all to the TV series spoilers.

One of these conspiracy theories is that Tobias will return to AMC's famous zombie apocalyptic series. So far, it is only IMDb which has confirmed the return of Tobias, listing his name in the page for "Fear." Inquisitr says that Dave Erickson has told Yahoo! News that fans should stay tuned about Tobias, "the conspiracy theories surrounding Tobias include one where Tobias will be the Morgan of the Fear world, and will return at some point down the track."

Another hypothesis that has been circulating in the net for some time now and has not rested in its grave is that "Fear" is simply happens in the mind of Rick Grimes while he's still in coma. This theory of course has been directly invalidated by "The Walking Dead" creator Robert Kirkman.

Hitfix, on the other hand, says AMC's "Fear The Walking Dead" may be doing their own version of the governor. Rumor has it that the studio has led fans to believe that an episode similar to "The Rise of The Governor" story has been penned.

However, Forbes has a different report about "Fear" stating that the show is falling into the stupidity trap. One great example is the character of Travis Manawa, who obviously is a very protective father yet has insisted his conviction about guns and has still compassion to their zombie neighbor (after seeing first-hand how much harm the zombie could do to people around them). The writing team looks like they fail in the expectations of the viewers who at this point have understood this series from watching "TWD" to its very last season. The audience knows what the characters must do to save their lives, yet a character like Travis seems to react foolishly. Forbes says that Travis was a great character in the first 2 episodes, but after the 3rd episode, it looks like there's an indication that he could turn into one of the worst aspects of "Fear." Aside from that, you also see some idiocy in the behavior of the characters like "leaving the sliding-glass door open as they flee in panic." Scriptwriters have to work on their character development, so that the show would be worth watching.

How about you? Do you have some assumptions about "Fear The Walking Dead?" What do you think of the characters and the recent episode of the show? Comment below.

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