‘Gotham’ Season 2 Updates: Do Promises of Villains Mean Promises of a Good Season 2 As Well?

Gotham Season 2 promises that villains will rise in the city. But it doesn't earn thumbs up to some critics, which endangers the TV series. How could the showrunner reel back the storyline so that it will ensure a 3rd season?

Collider has a review on the first two episodes of the second season of "Gotham." It says that it has not gotten off on a good start since the TV series premiered. It is quite the opposite as to how season 1 made a promising start, though at the latter part of the season, it had fallen too quickly and eventually "became a dreaded weekly experience."

"Gotham" Season 2 premiere episode "Damned If You Do" including the end episode "Knock Knock" has managed "to to start off worse than the way Season 1 ended," as per Collider's observation. According to the article, the first few minutes of the episode will already give you an overview of the tone, so the mag warns that "if you are not yet hooked, do yourself a favor and get out." The story doesn't take awhile for the it to become zany. Obviously, "Season 2 has fully committed to being over the top and ridiculous, which could have worked if handled correctly."

The showrunner of "Gotham" should consider what its critics and viewers are saying. That is one of the ways wherein it could reel the series and make it worthy to watch. For example, Telegram has cited several reasons that would make viewers give the TV series another look. The show has to make a commitment to make the show darker and more serialized. It must not shy away from narrating the story "with all the dangers that comes with it."

In addition, the show must give Batman's famous nemesis the time of his life. His character will make viewer understand why Gotham City needs Batman. Screen Rant also says that adding the character of Theo Galvin in the story may make the series all the more interesting since the season 2 will not only appear as having a bunch of lunatic criminal. But have a billionaire running for a government office (Gotham Mayor) but also a mastermind of all the chaos that is happening in the city.

"Gotham" season 2 has premiered and some critics say it does have a good start. In order for the showrunner to reel and get on the right track, it must make a good difference from the first season 1.

How about you? What do you think of "Gotham" Season 2 episode 1? Comment Below.

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