"Rick and Morty" episode eight of season two brings back the same theme in the "Rixty Minutes" episode in season one, only this time, the gang is watching TV in a hospital.
Episode 8 of "Rick and Morty" season two opens up in a hospital setting where the group is waiting for Jerry's recovery from mutant bacteria he got from Cherry Garcia. There is a TV setup complete with cable package for making loved ones awaiting word on their patients feel more comfortable. According to Starpulse.com, in a real world setting, Jerry's illness on its own can be a plot that can carry an entire episode but in "Rick and Morty," everything is distorted to fit their reality which means even without the help of the galaxy's best doctor, Jerry is up and about in a matter of hours just as the opening credits start to roll.
In the same recap by Starpulse.com, Shrimply Pebbles is in need of a heart replacement and doctors tell Jerry that his human penis can replace the alien heart of the civil rights leader and can save his life. For a short while, Jerry thinks hard about the choice he has to make; keep his sex life or save another creature's life. But soon it is revealed that he no longer needs to make the hard choice as the brilliant doctors have found a prosthetic heart replacement instead.
In a review by AV Club, "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate" is sequel to "Rixty Minutes" but an entirely different story. What is merely repeated is the penchant of the group and the show's producers to watch a mix of weird and often meaningless TV programs for an extended time. This time though, they are watching in the waiting room while Jerry struggles to make peace with the outcome of his decision.