‘Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4' Update: Release Date Revealed and 2-Hour Gameplay Video Released

New updates of "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" have been released. Fans are given with the latest information concerning the release date, game play, and the new video released online.

Latinos Health reports that a new gameplay video of "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" has been released online. According to the report, fans are wanting for more even if the video has an approximate running time of 2 hours.

Report describes that the first scene of the video was predominantly the battle of Naruto and Sakura. Yibada also says that the first battle was "followed by tag team appearance of Hinata and Kakashi." Other battles that were featured in the video were the fights of Sakura vs Neji, and Sasuke vs Hanabi.

According to the report, the video might be from the fans who might have sampled in the TGS 2015, and collated the video. As always, fans who attend in gaming events such as TGS conference will have the opportunity to sample the video game.

As previously announced by Hiroshi Matsuyama of CyberConnect2, the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" will be released in Japan on Feb. 4, 2016. It will soon follow in the European market on Feb. 5, 2016, then later on Feb 9, 2016, it will be released in North America for PlayStation 4, Xbox One console, and PC/steam.

However, the scarcity of information and other details about this extremely regarded video game of the "Ultimate Ninja Storm" series obviously do not weaken the excitement of fans. In fact the fans are all the more excited learning that the creator of "Naruto" Masashi Kishimoto will attend the Comic Con that will be held in New York.

Venture Capital Post says that Matsuyama explained that the added gameplay of the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" is a whole new mode of the video game. IT would let the players discover the world. However, additional details will be announced during the New York Comic Con in October 2015.

How about you? What are your expectations of the upcoming "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4?" Comment Below.

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