‘One Piece’ Chapter 802 Spoiler & Predictions: Doflamingo Rescued to Restore Balance in Underworld; Sanji's Past Revealed

The heat is on for the "One Piece" chapter 802 spoiler and predictions. The most recent assumptions revolve on Jack rescuing Doflamingo so that balance will be restores in the underworld. It is also being predicted that Sanji's past will be revealed in the next chapter.

Movie News Guide reveals the chapter 802 spoiler and prediction of "One Piece." It notes that Jack, along with his company, knows and respects Doflamingo. But wait, who is Jack? And, if Doflamingo is esteemed by Jack, then he must be a very influential person.

Jack or Captain Jack's identity is yet to be disclosed. But this guy is described as "seemingly unafraid of fighting, and he is on a mission of rescuing Captain of Donquixote Pirates "Heavenly Yaksha" Donquixote Doflamingo." In Manga Helpers, fans of "One piece" manga are discussing how Jack is related to Doflamingo. One notable observation if from 'ProGoddess." She has observed that Jack and his underlings call the captain of Donquixote Pirates as "lord."

Aside from that, Jack is not willing to abandon the captain, in fact he is willing to risk his life just to set Doflamingo free. That alone is enough proof that he is someone very important. Looking at the "One Piece" Wiki, fans would not doubt since he is described as "the most influential person of the Underworld." Thus, one could also assume that "Jack was rescuing Doflamingo to restore the balance in the Underworld."

On a different note, Design N Trend presents a different spoiler and prediction of "One Piece" chapter 802, focusing more on Sanji. In as much as others are speculating about Doflamingo, Sanji's background and who he is have drawn equal attention and predictions.

Fans think that "One Piece" chapter 802 will also delve on the background of Sanji. Fans' digging may have led to a spoiler of the upcoming chapter of the favorite pirate manga. It says that Sanji is a nobleman or a tenryuubito. This assumption is credible in a sense because "his original wanted poster did not show his actual face, and now the government has a real picture of him and may even recognize him." Obviously, fans do not know much about Sanji's history, and that can be one of the things that will be revealed in the next chapter. So far, what everyone knows about him is that he is refined for a pirate. So that makes it intriguing why he behaves as such.

So what do you think of this new spoiler and prediction of "One Piece" chapter 802? Do you have your own prediction? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

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