‘One Piece’ Chapter 803 Review and Chapter 804 Predictions: Exploring Zuo & Revolutionary Leader; Eiichiro Oda No Sign of Slowing Down

"One Piece" chapter 803 came out early again this week. Fans who are agitated of what's about to come at Zuo Island are relieved upon finding out the story of the latest issue. Yet, now that Chapter 803 has been revealed, the prediction of Chapter 804 has begun. News about Eiichiro Oda comes out online telling fans that he is not slowing down.

Design N Trend reports the review of "One Piece" chapter 803. It says that the story of the latest chapter revolves around the pirates getting on the island of Zuo. In fact, half of the crew of Straw Hat pirates was trying to climb up on Zuo island (that happens to be a huge elephant) through a cartoon dragon that was summoned by Kanjuro.

From that scene, the story shifted to Baltico, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army that's located in the Grand Line. In this setting, there were few panels that were all about Monkey D. Dragon. He seemed very surprised learning "how many wars Doflamingo's organization was supplying with weapons." Dragon The Revolutionary instructed Koala to summon "all the Revolutionary Army's commanders from around the world." Obviously, Koala was greatly surprised, and she suspected that something big was about to happen.

After that, the next panel showed "the Blackbeard Pirate fleet and its commanders Lafitte and Shiryuu conversing with Jesus Burgess over a den-den mushi." It's at this time also that Burgess advised Lafitte to assemble "all of his forces and invade the Revolutionary headquarters, since there is a huge stockpile of weapons there."

Chapter 803 of "One Piece" helps fans speculate of what's about to happen in chapter 804. One possible spoiler that might possibly happen in the upcoming chapter is a bigger war is coming because Dragon has ordered Koala to call in all the Revolutionary commanders. Dragon seems to feel the hostile presence of Burgess near the headquarters.

Another thing that fans are looking forward to in "One Piece" chapter 804 is that thing that was falling from above. Orojackson has hosted another prediction contest in its website for the upcoming issue of this pirate manga series. One of the members of the forum, El-pachinko, says that the title of the next chapter will be "Revolutionary Leader."He predicts that that thing that is falling from the sky is actually the poop of the elephant. Then In Baltico Island, revolutionary leaders are arriving. The leaders arrive in groups, and the first to arrive is queen of Okama Ivankov and her right hand Inazuma. Burgess on the other hand begins to scout, then call Lafitte to abort the mission.

But another member predicts that "One piece" chapter 804 will be more on exploring the Zuo island. He says that it is actually a person who falls down from the sky, and he knows more about the island.

Imaginations of the fans could really go beyond what is logically expected in the upcoming chapter of "One Piece." Although, some of the spoilers and predictions are somehow based on chapter 803. Some fans at times could already follow how Eiichiro Oda works his way in narrating the story in each chapter.

Speaking of Eiichiro Oda, Kotaku reports that the creator of "One Piece" manga shows no sign of slowing down. It has been reported how he barely gets some sleep. Oda reveals that he could only get an average of 3 hours sleep as he is dedicated in writing the story. In fact, he doesn't have holidays. In a recent interview, "the famed manga artist still goes to bed at 2am and gets up at 5am."

How about you? What is your prediction in "One Piece" Chapter 804? Comment below.

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