‘One Piece’ Chapter 802 Review and Chapter 803 Predictions: Whitebeard’s Past Unveiled and Miss Bucking May Have a Different Motive

"One Piece" Chapter 802 reveals shocking revelations about the island's nature including the tribes that inhabit the place. But those are not the only things that surprise the fans of the famous manga-- followers of the series have been astounded about the past or secret of late Whitebeard Pirates Captain Edward Newgate, which is predicted to be the focus of chapter 803 spoilers and prediction.

It is believed that "One Piece" chapter 803 will concentrate on Whitebeard's past since the revelation of his life in the previous chapter is just the tip of the iceberg. From the report of Christian Today, the new island, named Zuo, the Straw Hats the pirates attempted to reach is actually a humongous elephant. It is not only the thick fog that covers the Zuo island that makes it impossible to reach, but also the giant elephant is actually moving. As the crew realizedthe nature of the island, everyone learns that Zuo has Mink tribes that dwell on it.

In addition to the revelation, the late captain of Whitebeard pirates actually has a son and a wife. But of course, in chapter 802, the Edward Weeble has been simply proclaiming himself as the son of Whitebeard, who has been considered as the strongest pirate in his time. Since there has been no evidence of Weeble's claim, it is predicted that "One Piece" chapter 803 will dig deeper into Whitebeard's past.

It is also anticipated that more spoilers will be revealed this week for "One Piece" chapter 803. Yibada says that one of the predictions is centered on the relationship of Whitebeard with his rumored wife Miss Bucking and their son Edward Weeble. The next chapter will either prove or disprove that Weeble is the son of the late captain.

Movie News Guide, on the other hand, says that the true identity of Ms Bucking and Weeble will be revealed in "One Piece" chapter 803. It says that neither of them have a relationship with Whitebeard. Weeble is not the son, and Miss Bucking is not the wife. There are also many fans in different forums of "One Piece" that say that Weeble appears like a puppet of Miss Bucking. The rumored wife is simply after the treasure left by the dead captain, and she's using her puppet to get the wealth.

While there are many who try to disprove Miss Bucking as a wife of Whitebeard, according to different forums of "One Piece" Chapter 803, an interesting prediction from Lord Rayleigh of Manga Helpers states she is one bitter woman who has an unrequited love for Whitebeard. But Lord Rayleigh says that she is not up for the treasure but "She probably has a personal grudge with WB and that is why she targets the former Yonko's allies."

What about you? What do you think will happen in "One Piece" Chapter 803? Share your thoughts below.

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