‘Transformers: Devastation’ News: Game Gets a Thumbs-up for Its Visuals and Playable Autobots

"Transformers: Devastation" is set for the video game platforms of PS4, Xbox One, and PC. This recent series of "Transformers" video games gets a thumbs-up rating for its visuals including the playable autobots characters.

According to Crunchyroll, the most striking part of "Transformers: Devastation" video game is its visuals. The graphics is definitely clean and has that "cel-shaded look lifted right out of the classic Generation 1 cartoon." It also brings fans some sort of nostalgia not only because of the visuals that are familiar but also hearing familiar voices of G1's voice actors who indeed returned to fill their roles.

Aside from the visuals of this "Transformers" series, the combat is also being noted. It says that "Devastation" stresses heavily on melee combat, although it is cut-down to the basic. Using ranged weapons are but secondary in this video game. This means that the player would not find much use of its upgraded ranged weapons.

"Transformers: Devastation" also allows its players to choose their characters for most of the segments. Nonetheless, the players get to play the lead characters of "Devastation." It is also reported that "each Autobot plays differently: Optimus Prime feels the most balanced, Bumblebee is light and fast, Grimlock is a heavyweight grappler, while Sideswipe and Wheeljack fill in-between spots."

Euro Gamer shares quite a similar observation. On the positive note, it says that "Transformers: Devastation" showcases the Platinum Games' mastery of arcade-style action. It has captured "the looks and the feel of the original cartoon." Yet in a technical perspective, the presentation of the game is not at its finest. It is noted that "transitions appear mostly on a par between platforms-" from PS4 to PC. The performance shows obvious difference.

To roundup, there are 5 pluses and 6 minuses in weighing the pros and cons of "Transformers: Devastation." For the pluses, the "Devastation" has "visually and aurally perfect representation" as far as the "Transformers" Generation 1 in video game form is concerned. It has 5 playable autobots characters that have different skills and gears. In addition, the game has fast-paced action, which is the fun part. The video game give you a lot of things to do, and the "boss fights have a great sense of scale."

The minuses of the "Transformers: Devastation" has a lot to do with its 3 pluses as well. First, the game might be fast-paced but somehow the excitement wears off quickly. Second, There might be a lot of things to do but then it is repetitive, so it gets old too easily. Third, the boss fight feels samey too.

Other cons of "Devastation" includes the price which is "near-full price" considering it feels like a "budget downloadable game." Also, the camera is clunky and "it doesn't focus on enemies as often as it should." To top it all, the game feels padded.

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