'Bleach' Chapter 648 Spoilers: Shunsui Will Defeat Barro, But Will Walk Away After the Battle

Fans' craving for this famous manga is simply unstoppable, thus Bleach Chapter 648 predictions are heating up. The spoilers of the upcoming chapter will also be officially released on Wednesday.

While Kpopstarz shares some spoilers and prediction of chapter 648 of "Bleach," the only magazine first gives a recap of what happened in chapter 647. The previous chapter revealed that "Barro got the better of Shunsui as he finally revealed his ultimate technique." Obviously, the injured Shunsui had retreated in a distant place, but he also decided to release his Bankai.

So one of the spoilers that are being talked about in "Bleach" chapter 648 is the conclusion of the fight between Shunsui and Barro. Kpopstars noted one of the fans/critics' opinion posted via Kaleo.org, "Chapter 648 will probably unveil more information on what Shunsui's 'Bankai' exactly does and why he needed such a wide area to unleash it. One thing we know for sure is that his 'Bankai' has something to do with shadows, so it is interesting to wonder what his 'Bankai' will do with the shadows," the fan said.

It is also noted that Chapter 648 of "Bleach," will surprise fans that even Shunsui is also not safe of his own Bankai, which also means that this chapter is the last time that fans would see him fight, or worst, would see him in the whole series. Henry ( the fan in Kaleo) said, "This could indeed be Shunsui's last battle before he perishes like the Captain Commander before him."

On of the redditers also agrees with Henry concerning how dangerous Shunsui's Bankai is. In the predictions (and spoilers) of Chapter 648 of "Bleach" forum, fans are talking about the price of being powerful. "Shunsui activates his Bankai giving him power unlike any other. It will feature an ability that will nullify all rules and proves to be the ultimate Russian roulette. Something so powerful that it kills weak beings around him instantly." It is also predicted that Shunsui will defeat Barro, but he would go away and leave his friends so that he would not hurt them in the future.

What about you? What do you think will happen in "Bleach" Chapter 648? Write your predictions in the comment box below.

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