Quinn must have been shot a lot of times more than he can remember! You must have been wondering how serious his injury was when his latest bullet wound was opened on last week's episode of "Homeland."
If you are quite worried that Quinn is planning something evil against Carrie, you can at least be calm now, take a deep breath and relax, because Quinn does not intend to kill her after all. In addition to that, Saul does not look like the one who puts the hit on our Carrie. Otherwise, it still does not mean that neither of our two heroes is not on anyone's target, Melty reported.
However, for this reason, Quinn found himself in the line of fire last week. Well thanks to Carrie who put her mind in putting him to safety. Will he find a way to survive? We will soon find out if Carrie accepts the things she needs to do to (commit armed robbery) save Peter Quinn.
Meanwhile, we know that our main character has been ill in the middle of investigating the mole inside CIA. Speculations have arisen that it was Allison.
Earlier somewhere in the plot during the "Working Theory" promo, shows the aircraft explosion discussion during the previous conclusion by the characters Saul Berenson, Dar Adal, and Allison Carr. Evidences have point out the involvement of Allison in the said accident. She has done a pretty good job in maintaining the secrecy, hasn't she?
Spoilers also added that a portion of season five will be involving the help Carrie will be seeking from Quinn's German intelligent connection, Astrid, Design and Trend reported. Saul will also start his own probe as he interrogates the Israeli Officials he spoke with during the fourth episode.
Season Five Episode Five is entitled "Better Call Saul" and will start on Nov. 1.