'The Witcher 3' Update: The All-Time Favorite, DLCs Most Anticipated; Fall 2015 Gaming Line-up Most Powerful in Years

"The Witcher 3" DLC, which came out on Oct. 31, made a lot of fans excited. But that's not just it, as there will be more substantial DLC to follow in Spring.

Gaming 2015 fall lineup is considered as the most powerful in years. Gamers might get overwhelmed as there are aplenty to play and enjoy.

"The Witcher 3" is undeniably a fantastic game and it rises the whole medium as an incredible art form. However, it is also quite long with several hours in it. Majority are looking forward to "Hearts of Stone" as well as "Blood and Wine," which is expected to be released in spring 2016, Tech Times reported. These games are said to be loaded with surprises and great moments.

Though "The Witcher 3" is something different because it is not even comparable with any other upcoming and existing games, other games will still provide fans a one of a kind gaming experience. Aside from "The Witcher 3," gaming fans are also craving for "Battlefield: Star Wars," "Divinity," "Auir," as well as "Fallout."

However, your list of games may also differ from other gamers out there. Whether you yearn for "Cities: Skylines," "Halo 5" and "Assassin's Creed: Syndicate," each of them has different approach and appeal to gamers. There are just so many awesome games coming out this year, but it is still the gamer's prerogative, after all. Some are also really into "Minecraft," "Europa Universalis IV," and "No Man's Sky." However, almost everyone is still waiting to catch up with "The Witcher 3."

Gamers will have to choose his game, may it be a little tough or easy. Having a lot of games to play is a challenge for most gamers. What's really important is to take advantage and enjoy this rare opportunity.

"The Witcher 3," has remained the favorite in years, despite the many other available games in the market today, PC World reported.

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