"The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" News: Game Must Never Be Played Alone

"The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" the adventure game published by Nintendo exclusively for Nintendo 3DS was just released a week ago.

It has reportedly been rumored to be one of the many reasons why "The Legend of Zelda" for Wii U has been pushed back to an unknown release date. A recent interview with GameSpot reportedly revealed that "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes" did not delay "The Legend of Zelda" for Wii U because the games were worked on by separate teams.

So now while fans are still left hanging with regards to the release date of "The Legend of Zelda" for Wii U, more and more fans are playing "The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes".

Unfortunately, not everyone finds the latter a good game. According to a Forbes contributor, the solo mode for "Tri Force Heroes" is "is frustrating and the story is dumb". He also notes that the game is not at all a Zelda adventure but rather a co-op action puzzle game. As conclusion for "Tri Force Heroes" at the end of his 50-word review, he says that it is "amusing to play online; great fun locally with friends; a bummer alone."

Another "Tri Force Heroes" reviewer seems to share the same sentiment. According to the National He first describes the game where the protagonists (from previous Zelda games) now "must be a part of a trio of lookalikes who are tasked with taking down a witch who's cursed the kingdom's princess with a bad sense of style." It was also said that though it looks like a Zelda game it doesn't have the spirit of one. The reviewer also agrees that this game should be played with two other players and solo play is not recommended. Another downside that was pointed out was that when one player is disconnected in the middle of the game the other two players are "booted bounty-less back to the beginning of the level."

"Tri Force Heroes" seems to have failed to please fans who have always loved the lore of the Zelda Adventure. The much awaited "The Legend of Zelda" for Wii U better be good and worth the wait to appease impatient and now possibly disappointed fans.

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