Latest update about the movie 'Thor: Ragnarok' have included info of Loki's cameo role.
The Asgardian God of Mischief may have been included as viewer's favored character (since it adds a complex element in the story) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it can't change the fact that being a villain means that he's continuously playing secondary role. As Loki has been playing a villain character in all of his appearances so far as charismatic and enchanting as Loki has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hiddleston couldn't actually be blamed for for his desire to be included as cast member of the smash hit franchise.
Loki has been the focus of many speculations about his role in the movie. Hiddleston expressed during the interview that his character is doing good in Asgard after his ruling power at the end of "Thor: The Dark World".
As hinted by "Avengers" villain , saying he not received any call from Marvel Studios for two years which left him in the dark about the specifics of 'Thor: Ragnarok'. This event have consequently resulted many speculation that Loki might not appear in the third installment.
But on the other hand, Franchise Herald reported that Loki's participation in the film"Thor Ragnarok" could only be a short guest appearance. Although, Marvel Studios has not made a statement regarding Loki's appearance in the movie.
Apart from Loki's rumored cameo presence, it seems that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will have a dubious support from his Avengers team-mate The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo).
Another possible theory is that Thor may have recruited the Hulk in defending Asgard during the Ragnarok cycle and it is implied that Thanos was responsible for the disastrous event- could be a start of a huge battle between him and the two Avengers, Yibada reported.
Somehow it is related to the latest rumor that Vision (Paul Bettany) could be seen in 'Thor:Ragnarok', leaving planet Earth after the event of 'Captain America: Civil War'. While Thanos is chasing him down all over the galaxy in an attempt of acquiring the Mind stone which will surely lead to 'Avengers: Infinity War'.
'Thor: Ragnarok' is set to be released on Nov. 3, 2017.