“Fallout 4” News: Early Assessment of the Game Says Faltering Issues Can be Solved by Faster HD!

It was reported the other day that searching both Xbox One and PS4 1080p30 One target gameplay give variable outcomes on "Fallout 4."

Both consoles have challenges sustaining their targets' frame-rate, although it's the Xbox One version that has an obvious drawbacks, there is an issue on "macro-stutter," that looks to be associated to the video game's related to streaming technology. Going to the new fields can have long-lags and changing weapons also causes some issues.

Eurogamer reported that gamers are aware that in the PC version, performance profiling can raise significantly by CPU load, because new data is transferred from the hard drive. Although, this would not answer that 1,000ms time-frame and what might be causing the issues? At the same time, a GPU problem is even more impossible, because there is slight variation in the visuals between the time frames before and after the installation, where the operations that the GPU runs would be much the same with one frame to another. By an elimination process, the most possible cause of the issues could be storage, as both Xbox One and PS4 which has 500 GB 5400 rpm hard drives have no similar issues.

The issues of storage for Xbox One can easily solved by putting an external SSD. "Fallout 4" gamers said that this solution may not be practical and costs them extra amount of money in using external drives, because their costs, so the website tested with a 72000PM drive is expensive, although it would make the game run faster than using internal 5400 and an SSHD.

Given the above early assessment of the "Fallout 4" console versions, Digital Foundry said the issues in storage are just isolated cases, internal drives for PS4 and Xbox One's external drives could improve load periods and could solve the storage issues.

Having given an early appraisal of the console versions of "Fallout 4" recently, Digital Foundry has today followed up on that article to try and isolate Xbox One's stuttering issues.

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