The So-Called D23-Exclusive 'Kingdom Hearts 3' Trailer Just a Hoax

A lot of hopeful fans were disappointed that Square Enix did not release any update as supposedly promised on Nov. 4. But it looks like whoever started that rumor may just have been trolling.

A recent report has mentioned that "Kingdom Hearts III" trailer was reportedly shown in the D23 Expo Japan but the said trailer is being held from the general public. Then as pointed out in the fan dedicated website, KH13, the said trailer showed footages of a world based on Disney's "Tangled" and a new flower called "Heartless". The website also mention that the speedy action of the footage was astounding. Moreover the website also said that a longer version of the conversation between young Eraqus and young Xehanort was shown and it also mentioned about an emotional scene that involved Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ven, Aqua, Terra, Namine, Roxas and Lea.

Later on the conversation thread following a Tweet from the official Kingdom Hearts account appears to have dismissed somehow claims of existence of that D23 Expo-exclusive trailer. The post headed by a message saying, "We want to thank you for all your support and will let you know when we have more to share!" Then followers began asking where that certain trailer is. The inquiry quickly escalated and you can tell as you scroll down the thread that people are impatient and angry because they have not seen the trailer.

Somewhere down the thread a certain Ace @Kreativ_Studios took the initiative to conduct a poll and of course 75% are demanding to see the trailer.

According to Yibada, Dan Seto @dmseto, the manager of Square Enix Japan Studios Community has taken to twitter to explain that the reports of that particular trailer was released without solid proof. And the Tweet itself was clear enough. That Square Enix will let fans know when they have more to share.

Here is are some more tweets:

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