‘Arrow’ Season 4 Spoilers and Cast News: Stephen Amell Talks Oliver Queen’s Relationship with Felicity Smoak and Damien Darhk

With "Arrow" season 4 midseason finale just around the corner, actor Stephen Amell sat down to weigh in on Oliver Queen's relationship with Felicity Smoak and Damien Darhk.

The series' fans still could not get over "Arrow" season 4 pilot containing a flash forward where Oliver (Stephen Amell) was seen standing on a grave. When Amell appeared on Heroes & Villains Fan Fest on Nov. 21, Saturday, the "Arrow" star was asked what he thought Oliver's reaction would be if something terrible happened to Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards).

According to Comic Book, the 34-year-old actor directly answered the question saying, "Somewhere between confusion, desperation, complete and utter sadness, and unbridled rage."

However, Felicity will not go anywhere anytime soon since there is still that pending proposal yet to transpire between the couple. Amell and Rickards mentioned in an earlier interview that the engagement of the beloved couple in the series will happen.

Amell also talked a bit about Oliver's relationship with Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough). "The Hung" actor mentioned that Oliver, who is running for mayor, and Damien will have "an interesting dynamic" for the rest of the season, Collider stated.

McDonough, on the other hand, gave a more detailed answer as to where the dynamics of the two would go.

"We've got this nice guy, this good-looking guy, he's running for mayor - I'm going to use him for whatever I need," McDonough shared. "And we have this wonderful scene where I'm telling him, here's what's happening: I'm going to back you for mayor ... and oh by the way, you have to bow down to whatever I ask of you."

Unfortunately for Damien, Oliver has his own schemes which for Damien are a big no-no, and no one says no to Damien, McDonough added.

"Arrow" season 4 airs every Wednesday night on CW. The crossover episode with "The Flash" will not be airing this week but on Dec. 2.

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