The "Fallout 4" Blurred Vision Bug reportedly has a work around. As previously reported, it was highly advised not to delete saved data because the bug that causes a "blurred vision" was thought as permanent and the only way to fix it was to reload a save file or start all over. A couple players reported what the game would show once you get the said bug. From the shared images, it really is horrible to get that bug. Many players have also taken to Twitter to vent out frustrations of having lost hours of gameplay as a result.
Luckily, even if Bethesda has yet to deliver a fix for this game, there is a work around. According to Digital Trends, this bug that causes an effect similar to getting a concussion can be resolved and it is not via Stimpak, of course. According to the online publication, this is sort of a "negative perception" that results when the game is not able to restore the character state after healing a previous concussion with a Stimpak. And surprisingly, the remedy is simply to get a "second concussion" then restore the vision with a Stimpak.
On the Game FAQs forum, Seth 322 says, "For those with green blurred image, type this command rimod 00094636. And for the white-gray blurred image rimod 002041B6." Another user, Vilkaari, says, "I think I found solution (for PC atleast, I think there is no console in consoles). Put this command to console: rimod 002041B6 for recon scope."
Bethesda warns that these commands may result in unpredictable results. Furthermore, console players are advised to wait for an official fix. None have seem to report that the above commands actually worked. On the other hand, the first advice may be a safe option. It may not sound like fun to let yourself get hit to get a concussion but it sure does not look as risky as entering codes.
Fallout 4 Players Suffer From Blurred Vision Bug: A new Fallout 4 bug threatens to destroy entire playthroughs...
— Revian DPN (@OfficialRevian) November 27, 2015