‘Clash of Clans’ Latest 2015 Update: New Details for Donate Spells; Safety Features Included

Founder of "Clash of Clans" has just delivered a good news: the game will go through update for December 2015! It is now possible for gamers to share their Spells to other gamers with in the same Clan Castles, the same they donate troops to fellow clan mates. So for Clashers that owns a level 4 and higher Clan Castles will have an extra slot Spell Housing Space.

During the introduction of Dark Spell Factory of "Clash of Clans", a housing space were also provided intended for the Spell House. And for one housing space, gamers are able to make a donation and get Dark Elixir Spells, not regular Spells. Per every donation of Spell, gamers can get 5XP but this not count to normal donation but it is literally dependent on the level of the clan.

But gamers shout note that the new Spell should be shown just beside the regular spells that's located in army tab during the attack because it would be entirely useless during the automatic deployment of the troops in the Clan Castle.

Along with the latest spell sharing system of "Clash of Clans", gamers can now check the existing stuffs in the Clan Castle before attempting on making a donation, this way giving a wrong stuff can be avoided. The same way with troops, gamers would want to receive the troops that they actually needed and not the other way around. But it would have been better to see a list of the names of those who made troop donations, because that was not included in the new system. This can prove to be annoying especially on bigger clans, since gamers can't check the owners of the troops that was donated and left on their castle.

The latest "Clash of Clans" update will also bring in safety feature. To gamers who deployed the single troops by accident instead of hitting Next-Button that can result to troop or trophy loss. Now gamers can get a safety zone next to the Next-Button, which means gamers can no longer deploy troops accidentally.

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