"Attack on Titan" ("Shingeki no Kyojin") is set to take the world by storm once again as director Araki Tetsuro confirmed that the insanely popular anime series will have its second season premiere in mid-2016. The director also hinted at spoilers for the anime, much to fans' delight.
According to Crossmap, the long delay between seasons is because of an agreement: the manga should always be four story arcs ahead of the anime. As the manga is now three story arcs ahead, it's not surprising that a second season premiere is imminent.
It's expected that the all-new season will follow the story of the 104th Trainees Squad and their victories and struggles against Titans that have pushed through the wall. However, there had also been reports of focus on a number of important details - including the uprising led by Captain Smith, revelations about the Reiss family, and the death of Levi while saving the Shiganshina trio.
Yibada paints a somewhat different, yet not-entirely far-fetched picture: a Titan taking the form an ape is expected to make an appearance, itself portrayed as being capable of intelligence to the point that it can communicate with speech. They also added that Levi's Uncle Ackerman will attempt to eat Erin Yeager to have a taste of the "coordinate" - a vital if not invaluable ability that allows the user to control Titans.
Perhaps the most interesting spoiler in all of this is the fact that the new "Attack on Titan" will have a sort of "Clash of Titans" vibe - in fact it was even stated outright that the anime will have a "Clash of Titans" storyline. Whether this spells good or bad news, only audiences and time will tell. One thing for certain is that "Attack on Titan" is loved enough to have reached its second season, as fans eagerly wait for its mid-2016 debut to come.