"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is now officially a box office hit, breaking in at least $247 million in its grand opening day and weekend. Putting it in a proper perspective, "Star Wars:The Force Awakens" destroyed Jurassic World's box office record at $208.8 million during its first week from this summer, and made a December history for tripling the sales of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey's" in December 2012 kicking off at $84.6 million.
At the same time, it seemed like the only record of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" would not break was the one for international box office profits. It only gathered $8 million as compared to "Jurassic World's" present record at $525 million, "The Force Awakens" made $517 million globally.
We all know that Peter Jackson is a great director and known for directing the franchise "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit." During the interview with Deadline, the creator of the Middle Earth gave his perspective about the film via Cinema Blend:
"As a filmmaker however, my gratitude and respect for George Lucas is without limit. In the decades following Star Wars, George has used his own resources to develop digital VFX, digital editing, digital sound and digital cinematography. He opened the door for me to make the films that I have, in a way I could have barely dreamt of doing before Star Wars. It's only these technology advances driven by George that allow me to transfer images directly from my imagination onto the screen."
When it comes to the view that Lucas is more of an innovator and an inventor, Jackson said:
"The same would be true of most filmmakers working today - but I can't help feeling that George Lucas has never been fully appreciated by the industry for his remarkable innovations. He is the Thomas Edison of the modern film industry."
We all agreed that George Lucas should be recognize for what he did for "Star Wars," and should still be acknowledged for the success of "The Force Awakens." After all, the franchise wouldn't exist if not for Lucas.