"Gundam" manga and anime series are still getting the attention of its fans. Despite the ups and downs of this mecha anime, fans are sticking with the franchise. Both "Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt" and "Gundam Build Fighters" are making a buzz. The former has its 2nd anime episode scheduled, and the latter gets a manga spinoff.
According to Anime News Network, Kadokawa's Monthly Gundam Ace magazine will soon release its February 2016 issue with a "a prologue for a new manga titled 'Gundam Build Fighters AR' (Gundam Build Fighters Amazing Ready).
Report reveals that "Gundam Build Fighters" manga spinoff will start on Jan. 26, 2016. It is also noted that this new series is a sequel of "Gundam Build Fighters A" manga. ANN says that Tatsuya Yūki and Kiyoshi Konoyo will also be among the characters of this new manga series.
If remembered, "Gundam Build Fighters A" had been published in Monthly Gundam Ace magazine. In fact, its 5th and final volume had been compiled in November issue. In addition, "Gundam Build Fighters" had inspired two other spinoff mangas of "Gundam," the Gundam Build Fighters D (Gundam Build Fighters Document), and Gundam Build Fighters Honoo Tri. Both have been published separately. The former was published in Kadokawa's Dengeki Hobby Magazine, while the latter was published in Kadokawa's Monthly Hobby magazine.
As for the 2nd Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Anime episode, Fandom Post reports that "Bandai Visual has revealed what's next for the series," after the first episode of the anime's ONA series started streaming. According to the report, the 2nd episode is already slated for release on Feb. 12, 2016.
Report also states that the 2nd Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Anime episode is being firmly placed to OVA territory. This will be directed by Kou Matsuo at the same time will pen script. The animation of the 2nd episode will be handled by Sunrise, of course.
The full description of "Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt" reads: "Federation troops and Zeon forces carry out a fierce battle in the Thunderbolt Sector in what was once Side 4 "Mua". The Thunderbolt Sector is a shoal zone composed of the debris of destroyed space colonies, named for the electrical discharges from the metal debris. MS pilot Io Flemming is among the Federation soldiers who are dispatched to the area, where Zeon sniper Daryl Lorenz awaits them on the battlefield."
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