Both "Wonder Woman" comics and movie have latest updates for its fans. The comics has huge spoilers for its fans concerning the graphic novel "Wonder Woman: Earth One,"soon to be released in April 2016. The upcoming movie on the hand has a sneak peak photos of Gal Gadot and Chris Pine, which are taken the set.
Bleeding Cool reports that the original hardcover graphic novel "Wonder Woman: Earth One" worked on by Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette on "Wonder Woman's" character will be published on April. Morrison has already received a lot of publicity for his discussion about Wonder Womans' character and origin. A black Steve Trevor was also present. In addition is the feminism and pulp bondage fiction interest of the person who created her which goes by the name of William Moulton Marston.
With the release of digital advance copies by a publisher service which is solely made for reviewers prior to publication, "kink-shamming," porn-rape fantasy and sexual assault were the words used for the negative feedbacks on this digital release. The introduction of black characters as slaves, fat characters as jokes and more bondage issues really made a huge impact negatively.
Collider gives details about the "Wonder Woman" movie of Patty Jenkins. On-set images were released on the upcoming film where it shows Gal Gadot and Chris Pine in an early 1900s setting. Official images of the film and unofficial shots of Chris Pine where both are seen walking through the crowd with Gadot in a cloak which makes her seemingly stand out in the crowd.
A video showed Gadot and Pine in London's Lincoln's Inn at Thirteen Old Square Chambers. The scene doesn't show much action in it as it is more of establishing the background of the scene and the costume.
"Wonder Woman" is set to be released in June 23, 2017. Fans and moviegoers alike will have to be content with this production release for the time being.
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