“Big Hero 7” movie is confirmed by American comic book writer and producer Stan Lee. Said film is a sequel of "Big Hero 6" which is a big movie from Disney.
One of the interesting spoilers of the movie is the return of Hiro's brother, Tadashi. It is said that like Professor Callaghan, Tadashi, who is the original creator of Baymax also survived the explosion.
Reports reveal that Tadashi, voiced by “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” actor Daniel Henney, will return as antagonist, Sunfire. This will surely surprise fans of the character especially that he will be dealing with his brother Hiro along with the members of the "Big Hero 6," Movie News Guide reported.
Also, since Sunfire is a character from "X-Men," a possible crossover will occur between "X-Men" and "Big Hero 7." In the Marvel comics, Sunfire has the ability to shoot fire and is even one of the founding members of Big Hero 6, Master Herald wrote.
Apparently, despite a conflict in the beginning, Hiro and Tadashi will reunite and like the title suggests, they will be joined by Tadashi, thus adding another member and calling them, "Big Hero 7."
The movie will be more about Hiro and Tadashi featuring how they go through different emotions and circumstances and how they will eventually accept each other.
Meanwhile, there will be some new improvements in the film as well as the possibility of a new Baymax.
“I am always looking to upgrade. And Hero is constantly working to make me better. Currently, he is teaching me to laugh,” Baymax said in an interview with Bryan Alexander of USA Today, via Cross Map.
"Big Hero 7" is expected to be released after “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” releases and prior to the release of “Inhumans.” Since “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” is scheduled to release on May 2017 while “Inhumans” is expected to release in 2019, it is possible that "Big Hero 7" will be released between 2017 to 2020.