"The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" may only have Geralt as the only protagonist, but the mod now gives players access to become any of the four female characters available.
Although the sprawling "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" open world's compelling narrative has made this RPG one of gamers' most favorite games, there are missing features according to gamers that can transform this game into an even better treat. In response to these observations, the modding community has presented several options that can improve the overall experience of the gameplay, Game Rant reported.
During the E3, "Fallout 4" revealed to its players that there is now an option to customize protagonist of any gender preferred. This personalization feature cannot be implemented with "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" simply because the storyline relies on being Geralt and fulfilling his missions.
In order to level the playing field, a mod by ParKan was created to allow gamers to explore not only as Geralt, but as any of the four available female characters. The modification features Ciri, Yennefer, Triss, and Shani.
Experts would know that it requires a lot of work to customize completely and as most "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" gamers expected, the massive change retained a lot of Geralt's characters. Although players can play as any of the female characters, the animations for cut scenes and combat as well as the voice are still from Geralt. However, with the absence of CD Projekt Red mod support, gamers think that this is the best that they could have now.
Aside from the customizable mod, another mod that is still from ParKan allows gamers to have companions all throughout their adventures. This companion mod has five ally options that can assist the gamer's chosen character, especially during combat.
"The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt" is available for Playstation 4, Xbox, and PC. The mod, however, is available only for the PC version.