"The Walking Dead" season 6 midseason finale ended with episode 8, titled "Start to Finish" but it will be back on Feb. 14, 2016 for episode 9, "No Way Out." Fans were treated with a trailer for the midseason premiere from AMC.
The trailer may be short but it revealed some major clues for what may occur on the upcoming season. Since the previous season ended with Rick and the rest of the cast trying to free themselves from a group of walkers, the 30-second teaser showcased that scene too as Rick and Michonne attempted to lead the walkers to the streets of Alexandria from Jessie's house.
Rick is also seen carefully reaching for the hand of his son Carl while the other survivors were already surrounded by zombies. In a voice over, Rick was heard saying, "I thought living behind these walls was possible. I was wrong," Christian Today reported.
The next sequences in the video introduced a new villain named Negan, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan who could be as heartless as his counterpart in the comic book.
Although Negan was not seen in the video, it shows evidence of Negan's presence. To recall, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha were stopped by the men of Negan who belonged to a group called The Saviors. It looks like the three are in a serious danger. One of the men even told Daryl, "Your property now belongs to Negan," as he disarmed him.
Meanwhile, Glenn is back in Alexandria Safe-Zone to save his wife Maggie and his unborn baby. But it appears that Maggie is struggling to survive since she is heard screaming and crying for her husband in the trailer. This might suggest that Maggie will die in the premiere episode or Negan might kill her or Glenn might be in danger, International Business Times reported.
Glenn is also seen trying to kill as many walkers as he can which might risk his life. Some reports speculate that this might be the ultimate death of Glenn.