Real Estate Tips: Property Viewing 101; Do’s And Dont’s For Homebuyers and Homesellers

Here are some basic yet helpful tips in selling or buying real estate properties. More than the etiquette, it is also to secure Homesellers from untoward conditions. Thus, it is wise to observe some do's and don't's when viewing properties that are for sale.

This real estate tips are applicable to both homebuyers and Homesellers. As reported by CTNews, it states that there are "some unwritten rules of etiquette" that home seeker must observe. Property viewing has an ideal time, and before seeing the place, a call or text to inform the owner (especially if they still live in the for sale property) that you are interested buyer who wants to see the house.

But more than the courtesy, it is also the security of the Homesellers that might be at risk. A recent article published by Inman is particularly helpful in securing homesellers from attack.

There are a handful of suggestions mentioned in the article in safeguarding the homeseller while the property is listed in the market. It is wise for the homeowner not to welcome the homebuyer if the agent is not with the buyer during the property viewing. One obvious reason is that a "for sale ad" most of the time attracts criminals. They might pretend to be a well-mannered and eager buyer.

Property viewing has to be well-coordinated with your agent. It is the job of your real estate agent to inform you ahead of time for viewing. Make an arrangement that if the buyer arrives ahead of the agent, it is the agent's job to inform the owner that the client will arrive ahead of him or her.

During the viewing, it is also important that the homeseller must keep valuables away. The owner should also make sure that they would check their windows and door locks after the viewing, to ensure that locks work properly. "The burglar might disable the bathroom window screen for later entry."

Do you have other tips to share when a homebuyer views a real estate property? Share your insights in the comment box below.

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