Apartment Living Tips: How to Make Your Apartment Allergen-Free

Spring is just around the corner and when the temperature rises, so do allergens. These substances are not only present outside but also inside your home. Here are some tips on how to make your apartment allergen-free.

Angel Waldron from Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says 80 percent of our time is spent in our bedroom. This makes bedroom the best place to start allergy proofing. Dust mites are the number one allergen that can be found indoors. Your bed alone has around two million of these tiny creatures. These mites can be controlled by frequently washing your linens in the hot cycle. Better yet, buy allergen-proof pillows and bed covers.

Animals' dander causes allergies as well. If you love pets, then you are more at risk. Cats have the most allergens; dogs and rodents follow. Bath your pet at least once a week to cut down the allergen.

People tend to leave their backdoors and windows open during warmer days to let the fresh air in. Along with the fresh air that you will breathe are pollens that also cause allergies. Keep your windows and doors shut from 5:00-10:00 am when pollen count is the highest.

Another way to allergy-proof your home is to get rid of molds. Even a small drip from the pipes under your sink can lead to mold. Some people with asthma living in a place with molds have the higher risk of severe attack.

Cooking fumes trigger allergies as well, and worse, these may increase the risk of having cancer. You may install an exhaust fan above the stove to get rid of cooking fumes and reduce the moisture around the room.

Choose a leather-made couch. It is easy to clean and allergens will not stick to it. If you opt to keep your upholstered one, clean it using a HEPA vacuum at least once a week.

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