The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Rug for Your Home

Adding a rug at home is one of the easiest ways of adding design and color into your rooms. While choosing the right rug might seem like an easy thing to do, not knowing the basics of what rug fits into what room may end up leaving the room looking and feeling awkward. Here are some tips for choosing the right rug for specific rooms at home:

Choosing the right rug depends on the following factors: color, texture, and size. According to Apartment Therapy, these three factors will help determine whether a rug is right for your room or not.

In choosing the color, one should consider the shade of the room itself, including the colors of the walls and the floor. If the room already has a lot of colors in it, then one may opt for a neutral shade. A patterned and colorful rug will also work on rooms with neutral shades.

When it comes to the texture, the publication recommends on using a mix of different textures to make the room feel rich and layered. For example, a leather sofa may work best against a long and fluffy rug. also notes that the right rug, including its size, will vary depending on the room. At the front door, homeowners are advised to use a heavy-duty mat for the outdoor rug and preferably, it must be inches wider than the door frame.

The inside rug, on the other hand, must follow the shape of the entryway. The living room should also have a rug centered at the seating area. For starters, the rug should be big enough to cover the front of the sofa.

Adding a rug in your bedroom will also make the room look more cozy and polished. Usually, homeowners are advised to use a bigger rug to cover the entire bed, which extends a foot to a foot and a half from the sides and foot of your bed.

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