3 Trees to Avoid Planting in Your Yard at All Costs

Trees are wonderful to have in your yard. Aside from it being an efficient source of shade during those hot, summer months, trees also add to the aesthetic value of a yard. However, there are certain trees that you should avoid planting in your yard at all costs if you want to save yourself from a lot of headaches in the future.

As previously reported here on Realty Today, trees are a wonderful addition to any home. It brings about a sense of nature in this age of technology and modernization. However, trees can also wreak havoc in a home.

For instance, damages caused by the wind are cited as the most common cause of homeowner's insurance claims. One of the ways in which the wind can damage your home is through the branches of trees or even the whole tree itself for strong winds.

However, trees cannot only wreak havoc on your home when it is accompanied by the wind. Certain kinds of trees may damage pipes while others can give off a stench that no one wants in a home.

What trees should you avoid planting in your yard at all costs?

According to Realtor.com, the Princess tree may look lovely because of its pink flowers, but homeowners should be wary of its seedlings, which can propagate all over your yard. While the seedlings may seem harmless at first, the publication notes that the seedlings need to be pulled out by hand, so this might entail harder work than you once thought.

Black walnut trees, on the other hand, may be known for their nuts, but these trees can rob off other plants of nutrients by releasing a chemical, which is toxic to some plants. You may have to say goodbye to your favorite plants and beautiful grass if you decide to plant this tree at home.

Bradford pear may look very wonderful because of its spring blossoms, but homeowners should not be easily deceived. It might look good on the outside, but the trees can give off a smell of a rotting fish.

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