House Selling Tips: Should You Add Videos to Your Listings Aside from Photos?

Photos are a must when selling a house in the real estate market. While photos are often enough to tell a story to potential buyers, several sellers are already making use of videos to attract even more buyers into viewing their homes. Is it time for you to join the trend and add videos to your listings?

As previously reported here on Realty Today, home listing photos help tell a story to potential buyers. The photos will help invite buyers into seeing the house in person, which is why a lot of sellers hire professionals to do home staging.

The reason behind it is to help buyers visualize themselves living in your space. Other sellers even go as far as doing extreme home staging. With the advancement of technology, however, several sellers are already making use of videos to tell more about their house and hopefully, attract more buyers into sending in their offers.

According to, home listing videos help attract more buyers into viewing your house. Not only would these videos offer a longer peek inside your home, but it can also be a great way to keep your buyers engaged in a deal.

The publication noted that sellers do not really need to hire Hollywood professionals to do the trick. A professional videographer, however, is recommended because, in this day of HD videos, it is only a must that your videos are crisp and have a clear direction in terms of its storytelling.

One may opt for a comedy genre, which would definitely attract a lot of buyers. At the end of the day, everyone wants to break free from the stress of looking for a house in the market. Who wouldn't want to laugh while looking for a new home to live in, right?

Horror may also be the concept you are aiming for, but the publication noted that this should be done properly so as not to put off some buyers. Videos are also a great way to show the entirety of your home and be honest and upfront to your buyers.

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