
Photo by Aayush Gupta on Unsplash

'Luis Horta e Costa, Other Experts, Discuss the 2023 Real Estate Market in Portugal

A glimpse through Instagram reveals Portuguese refurbishment projects ranging from renovated fishing shacks to restored villas. Luis Horta e Costa is on trend and raises the bar on his rehab projects. For 2023, experts see continued value in renovating existing properties.
How Or Dori is Preparing Luxuri for a Robust Year of Growth in both Miami and Aspen Markets

'How Or Dori is Preparing Luxuri for a Robust Year of Growth in both Miami and Aspen Markets

In addition to being the fastest-growing market in the Americas, Miami is also the second overall market for high-end housing. The luxury market in Miami does seem like it may be slowing down a bit in 2023, but it will still likely reach five percent growth this year.
A picture provided by GL Homes of happy clients enjoying the Florida lifestyle.

'GL Homes Reviews: Priding Itself on Quality Service

As a small company only a few decades old, GL Homes knew it could differentiate itself by offering personalized, quality service for every customer. How has the company stayed committed to quality customer service and the best craftsmanship and work possible? Instead of focusing on rapid, unsustainable growth, it's been a steady flow of more and more clients.
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