Finance & Mortgage

'Mortgages for Condos Could Be A Lot Easier with New Rules

First time homebuyers are often attracted to investing in condominiums being that it is considered as the most affordable option. However, federal rules have not made it easy for them to get mortgages. But that could change with the newly presented rules by the Federal Housing Administration last week, Miami Herald reports.

'Celebrity Real Estate: Outraged Neighbors Suing Tracy Anderson Fitness Studio for Creating Loud Noises and Disruptions

A celebrity fitness studio by Tracy Anderson, backed by Gwyneth Paltrow and often visited by her A-list pals such as Madonna, is making its neighbors at the luxury Tribeca building angry over the gym’s loud noise and non-stop vibrations, according to a lawsuit.

'Miami Real Estate Attracts International Buyers; Properties Are Increasing and Selling Fast

Prices are increasing and properties are selling fast in Miami, making it one of the most popular US locations for overseas buyers.
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