Finance & Mortgage

Goldman Sachs Buys $6.2B in Mortgage Bonds from Fed

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE:GS) has purchased mortgage bonds valued at $6.2 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, previously owned by the insurance giant American International Group Inc. (NYSE:AIG), until its government bailout in 2008.

Will the UK Property Market be able to Cope with a Double-Dip Recession?

Can the UK property market cope with a double-dip recession? There are just so many variables. So many things affecting the answer to a massively different degree between their best and worst case scenarios, and all of them intertwined and affecting ...

California, NY May Join Foreclosure Settlement as Deadline Looms

California and New York may join a settlement between states and major lenders over foreclosure fraud, potentially boosting the banks' aid to homeowners to $25 billion from $19 billion.
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