Home & Design

How Should Millennials Decorate A Millennial Home?

Generation today has a lot of preferences; colorful, dull, classic, vintage and etc. Millennials have the tendency to be irrational and passive but when it comes to their preferences towards home decorations, nothing can stop them from being creative.

How to Find the Right Home for Spouses With Different Wants

One type of transaction where realtors really get to use their skills are with families that need to get on the same page. When realtors first meet with clients to discuss what their needs are, it's common to see that they have conflicting wants. Realtors need to find common ground before moving forward.

'Keeping Up With The Kardashians" Kim Kardashian Dislikes Mom Kris Jenner's Monochrome Home

Kim Kardashian desperately wants to move out of Kris Jenner's glitzy LA home as she is reportedly not a fan of her mother's choice of toilet paper and bathroom interior.
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