
How Much Home Can You Buy With Your $100K?

Expecting your family to grow in number in just a few years feels kind of scary if you have not settled in an owned home yet. To give you an estimate on the kind of homes you can buy, here are a quick description as to what you can get with a hundred thousand dollars.

5 Home Transfer Hacks: Practical Tips For First Timers

Home transfer could be a huge task, especially for first timers. From packing to unpacking and even the trip itself causes stress, and in order to lessen the burden, here are some of the tips you may apply.

Decorating Your First Ever Apartment? Here Are The Do's and Don'ts

Decorating Your First Ever Apartment? Here Are The Do's and Don'ts Designing your first ever apartment is both exciting and intimidating. Unless you have a serial apartment dweller friend who could walk you through the challenging process step-by-step, then you probably need to do your assignment.
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