
Real Estate Tips: The Best States for Retirees in 2016

Retirees have a different way of defining "quality of life." They consider a range of factors that younger people usually don't including cost of goods and services, taxes, health care access and quality, crime rate and even the weather. Based on all these components, Bankrate evaluated all states in the US and came up with the best places for retirees to live in 2016.

Global Real Estate: Slowing Chinese Investment in New Zealand Only Temporary

Chinese investment in New Zealand went down a notch since last October due to new buyer restrictions implemented by the Reserve Bank. The said slowdown is only temporary, according to a head of a company that facilitates the overseas property purchases of Chinese buyers.

San Francisco Plans to Double-up On Requirements for Affordable Housing

A plan to require housing developers to provide twice the number of affordable units is set to be unveiled today.
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