
Things Your Realtor Does Behind Your Back

Have you ever wondered what your realtor is doing when you are not looking? The world of a real estate agent is oftentimes confusing, hectic and stressful. But no matter how demanding their jobs are, they still manage to put up a good show in front of their clients. How do they keep up with their profession? What is really behind their smiles? Here are the things your realtor has never told you.

Florida Real Estate: Tips In Buying A Beach Condo In The Sunshine State

Interested buyers in Florida are often recommended to purchase a condo instead of a home. This is sound advice most especially that most buyers are potential seasonal residents who won't be around all year. If you are planning to move to The Sunshine State, here are some tips on buying a beach condo.

Detroit Real Estate: Is Michigan's Largest City Bouncing Back From Bankruptcy?

A couple of years after Detroit declared bankruptcy, speculators and investors are now flocking to Michigan's largest city. Amidst the financial crisis, investors have seen an opportunity in Detroit's high return rates.
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