
Real Estate Tales: An Inspiring Story of a Homeless-Turned-Successful Young Entrepreneur

Witness how a man rose from rugs to riches. Here's a real-life story that will surely inspire you.

Real Estate Tech: Why Do Millenial Investors Use Robo-Advisors?

Despite their inexperience, millenials have learned to become financially conservative. After the devastating Lehman Brothers collapse that caused the stock market collapse and massive unemployment, millenials are now more careful when taking risks. This is why they turn to modern trends like Robo-Advisors.

Green Living: Tips on Shopping for Eco-Friendly Products

Many people find it difficult to start going green because they often think that one needs to do drastic changes in order to make a difference. However, there are a number of ways you can reduce your carbon footprint on Earth and help save it from complete destruction. Here are some tips on shopping for eco-friendly products.
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