
Mortgage Application Tips: How To Compare Different Lenders

Home purchase is one of the most major financial transaction one person can ever make, especially when it involves mortgage financing. This is why shopping around for the best lender is one step that people should take enough time doing. Below are some of the tips that you can keep in mind if you are off to shop for a good mortgage provider.

Short Sale Tips: The Myths About The Short Sale Process

A short sale is not an unfamiliar term in the real estate business and many homeowners resort to this process for a variety of personal reasons. But what exactly is a short sale? A short sale is the process of when a homeowner sells their home for an amount that is less than the balance they owe the mortgage company. The proceeds from the short sale will be used to pay for a fraction of the balance. This is what many homeowners resort to when they really need to sell the property but owe more than what the property is currently worth.

Countryside Properties Announced It Will Float on the London Stock Exchange

Housebuilder Countryside Properties reveals that they will float on the London Stock Exchange, and is hoping to come up with £114 million through sale of shares, The Telegraph reports.
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