
San Diego Home Prices Continue To Increase; Commercial Real Estate Gets Positive Outlook

Home prices in San Diego are not only high but also continue to increase to date. However, its commercial real estate gets positive outlook this 2016.

Northampton Real Estate Sales Continue In Winter

Winter may be a slow time for real estate but not in Northampton. Northampton in Massachusetts is home to some of the most notable attractions like the Iron Horse Music Hall, established in the 1970s, along with other bookstores, artisanal bakeries, ethnic eateries and art galleries.

Why is Real Estate a Good Passive Investment?

There are several finance experts who would say that real estate could not be purely categorized as passive investment. One main reason is real estate investment requires a lot of effort especially if it is direct investing.

Syrian Migrants in Germany Prefer to Go Home Due to Unfavorable Relocation Conditions

Financial analysts have cautioned that transients with low working skills stand minimal possibility of successfully finding employments. While some political leaders say the new migrants will balance a deficiency of German skilled workers later on, but critics say they could pose a great burden to German taxpayers too.

American Homes Increasing Floor Areas Results to Higher Selling Prices

The average floor area of new homes climbed a year ago, proposing Americans' adoration for space stays solid however making new homes out of reach for a greater swath of purchasers.

Seattle Builds Village of Tiny Houses for the Homeless

A little more than twelve tiny houses, which are about as small as a regular bedroom, are being built close to the Lutheran Church of the Good Sheppard.

Appealing and Cozy Houses For Only Under $100,000

If you're on a budget there is still hope for you because there are still houses out there, available for sale yet they cost only under $100,000.

December Housing Starts Low But More Houses Were Built in 2015 Compare To 2014

This is a mere glimpse of housing market this year. The overall prices of home in the country has gone up over the years it is becoming more and more difficult to buy a home.

Charleston Ranks 2nd Hot Real Estate Market to Watch Out For This 2016

Despite the lack of supply people are entering the city to look for a place to live in. If you are looking for one of the best places to invest in real estate this year, or may want to live in a new place, you may turn your eyes to Charleston, South Carolina.

Foreclosures Fall to Lowest Level Since 2007, Says CoreLogic

"After peaking at 3.6% in January 2011, the foreclosure rate currently stands at 1.2% - a remarkable improvement," said CoreLogic's Chief Economit Dr. Frank Nothaft. "While there are still pockets of areas with high foreclosure activity, 30 states have foreclosure rates below the national average which is evidence of the solid improvement."

Florida and New Jersey Hardest Hit By Foreclosures in 2015

Foreclosure activities were hot in Florida and New Jersey last year. Foreclosure is a word dreaded by many house owners and it has plaguing the United States for a while now.

5 Ways to Know the Price Value of your House if You Want to Sell It

Are you planning on selling your house? There are many ways to go about it. You can either hire an agent or sell it yourself. You can use the traditional forms of media, like the newspaper, for your announcement, or you can sell it online. However, before you go through with it, you should know how much you should price your house for. Here are some tips you could try:

US Real Estate: Home Price Growth Continues, Housing Shortage Rate Increases

Where will the middle class go? Cities are becoming even more unaffordable in the country and it seems that the trend is set to continue for the time being.

It's Not Your Imagination, Rent Is Shooting Up Everywhere In The US

A new nationwide data released by Axiometrics revealed that rent is not just getting more expensive, it is shooting up at the fastest rate in years.

Cost of Housing In Manhattan More Expensive Than Ever

Housing In Manhattan is getting costlier than it already is. There is a word in the real estate sector that city housing is going to be more expensive than ever, specifically, analysts think that buying an apartment in cities like Manhattan is going to be more expensive than ever.

Northeast Florida Is Running Short of Homes For Sale

Homes in Northeast Florida are reportedly selling fast at record levels. Northeast Florida is faced with a shortage of homes for sale according to the key players in the housing industry.

Getting Approved for a Home Mortgage This 2016

It is New Year and you are thinking of owning your own house or buying a new one. There are some questions that are running inside your mind, where to look, what to expect, and perhaps the most crucial one, is how to start paying the price tag.

What Is The Reason Behind Oregon's 2015 Real Estate Boom?

In 2015, United Van Lines named Oregon as the year's most popular moving destination. Workers from different parts of the US such as California and New York flock to the Beaver State. Why is that so?

China's Economic Slowdown to Affect Luxury Real Estate Market World Wide, but a Hope for a Better Overseas Real Estate Market Possible

China's economic slow definitely has a role in the major changes of the global investment world. In the aspect of real estate, China's slowdown will surely affect prices of luxury real estate in major cities world-wide.

Manhattan Real Estate Breaks Record, Becomes The World's Wealthy Financial Haven

It is becoming too expensive to live in Manhattan Manhattan is the place to be if you have money to burn - as an average price apartment in the city has just reached $1.

Britain's Housing Shortage Getting Worse In 2016; Buyers Outweigh Number Of Properties

Britain's housing shortage is getting worse this year: number of prospects outweighed the number of properties listed for sale. Due to the recent occurrence, this will greatly affect the first-time buyers if this will not be resolved.