real estate tips

Energy Saving Tips: How to Lower Your Heating Costs this Winter

Heating this winter season also corresponds to fuel bills increasing and most likely, utilities will go up if you miss to prepare your house for winter. Know these necessary changes and save on your utilities.

Interior Design Tricks: Effective Ways to Create the Illusion of Room Height

This spectacle towards height is even evident in homes and people even perceive high-ceilinged homes as magnificent or splendid. This in a way is what homeowners are trying to work on, especially for people owning a studio-type home or a small scale apartment.

Real Estate Tips: Can I Afford a Home in 2016?

Considering 2015's market conditions and interest rates, homebuyers may be able to afford a home in 2016 if they make a purchase early in the year.

Real Estate Tips: The Best States for Retirees in 2016

Retirees have a different way of defining "quality of life." They consider a range of factors that younger people usually don't including cost of goods and services, taxes, health care access and quality, crime rate and even the weather. Based on all these components, Bankrate evaluated all states in the US and came up with the best places for retirees to live in 2016.

Home Buying Tips: Ways on How You Can Find that Perfect Modern Home

One of most popular design for homes now is modern design. How can a home builder own this kind of property? Know the tips on how you can find that dream home.

4 Netflix Shows Every Real Estate Investor Should Watch

Whether you are simply curious about real estate or a veteran in the industry, you will surely enjoy these 4 Netflix shows.

Real Estate Tips: What Is DOM And How It Affects The Home's Sale

DOM or Days On Market is the dreaded question home sellers may not want to discuss. Days on Market is a term used by listing sites referring to the number of days a certain property has been placed on the market. The metric covers the entire time the property has been put on sale to the time the property deal has been closed.

Where To Buy The Perfect Summer Home

The housing market in Southwest Florida has been the most attractive for the past few years but there are other markets that are slowly getting more attention from homebuyers.

Home Trends 2016: Know the Latest Interior Design Frenzy from Designers that Will Hit this Year

The start of the new year also sets the freshest trends that will hit the market for interior design. What are the trends that will transpire this year? And what may last as a popular choice for designers and home enthusiasts?

Retirement Tips: 3 Worst States for Retirees to Live In

Where to settle after retirement is an important matter that retirees must decide beforehand. What are the cities that is least-friendly for retirees?

Real Estate Tips: Does Having a Gym in Your Home Boost the Home’s Resale Value?

Home owners who want to resale their first home are thinking of ways to boost its property value. Is adding amenities like a gym increase the resale value?

Real Estate Advice: Here Are Practical Ways To Make Moving Easy On The Pocket

Moving in to another place is a hard task, but it doesn't need to be always costly. Theer are ways to save a lot of dollars when moving.

Stan Lee Net Worth: Marvel Comics Mogul Sells $3.2 Million House in Birds Streets

The main man in the Comics Universe Stan Lee is now selling his flat in Bird Streets. The nearly 5,000 sq. ft. of Lee's property is now priced at $3.23 million.

Real Estate Tips: What You Need To Know Before Buying A Vacation Home

Buying a vacation home is not the same as buying a regular home. If you are not familiar with the ins and outs of purchasing this type of property, you will lose a lot of your hard-earned money.

Smart Money Tips: How to Invest or Spend $100,000 the Best Way Possible?

What will you do if you have $100,000? Will you instantly seek out a getaway or invest this amount of money to some assets? While spending some of this money will not hurt, what are the smartest options that one can do to a $100,000?

Top 3 Worst States to Live In for Taxes

In this debilitating and volatile economy, people are in the knack to find ways to live smartly. One can opt to avoid the states that could eat up their money’s worth. Know the top 3 least friendly states if you choose to move in.

Smart Investing: Ways to Cope up with the Volatile Market

Times are always changing especially in the economic perspective and there are infinite cues on how one can maintain that positive investment goals. USA Today details three areas where investors can focus on when the market is turning sour.

Mortgage News: What Do Mortgage Payers Miss Out when they Pay Early?

Mortgage is conceived as a responsibility and mortgage payers try to beat out their debt by paying it out early. Although paying out one’s debt early will keep one at ease in the future, there are some benefits that mortgage payers are missing out when they pay their fees earlier than on divided schemes.

Anti-Scam Tips: 3 Tips that Elders Must Know to Avoid Being Scammed

Elders are one of the targets of scammers and they should aware of these three fraud schemes to avoid being tricked.

Five Real Estate Cliches That Are Actually True

Let us look into some real estate cliches that we have heard many times but are actually true. If you are into real estate, for sure you have heard of the clichés in the industry which may actually be true no matter how overused they may sound.

Home Loans: 4 Ways You Can Borrow Down Payment For Your Dream Home

Are you planning to invest in a home this year? It is a huge and expensive decision, and before you can make your dream come true, you need to come up with a down payment first. If you need help, here are 4 ways to borrow money for your home.