rental tips

Real Estate Tip: Negotiating Rent Rate Hike

A tenant can negotiate terms when a rent rate spiked up due to the market's volatility. If a certain tenant has been renting a housing units for years for a certain amount and the landlord / lady decided to increase the rent rates due to the changes in the market, does the tenant has any option or recourse other than looking for another place to stay? According to an article in sacbee.

5 Worst Things About Renting (And Solutions!)

Renting? Then you're no stranger to surprise visits from the maintenance man, tough landlords, and an upstairs neighbor who seem to be running a 24/7 bar and disco in his unit.

5 Reasons You Should Never Lie To Your Landlord

It takes two to tango, and this is especially true when it comes to tenant-landlord relationships. It takes two to tango, and this is especially true when it comes to tenant-landlord relationships.

Think Your Rent Is Too High? Just Wait. The Increase May Continue

Rent skyrocketed last year and most analysts predicted that the rising costs would eventually stop. However, it turns out that the analysis and predictions were wrong. As of the latter 2015, rents are yet to slow down. In fact, rent is still getting higher and it looks like the increase will move on to 2016.

4 Harmless Landlord Lies That Can Save You Money

The end indeed does justify the means in one or two special situations. Sometimes, what the law states may not always serve you best, and there are landlords who don't always do the right thing.

5 Rental Rules Worth Breaking

While those who own their home enjoy home improvement impunity, those who are in lease often face the dilemma of whether they would upgrade their apartment or leave it as it is.

5 Perks To Attract New Tenants To Your Property

Success in a real estate rental business means having tenants on your property throughout the year. However, the reality is that tenants move on: they buy a new house, move to another state, need a bigger place, and the list could go on.

15 Hidden Costs When You Rent an Apartment

So you think the rental fee is all that will cost you when you rent? Check this list and find out what other hidden fees are being shouldered by tenants of apartments.

3 Landlord Lies That Cost Renters Big

Be careful when closing a deal with a rental apartment - what you read on online listings aren't always the truth.

Handling a Difficult Landlord and Still Keeping a Good Attitude

There are houses and apartments that offer most of the things you wanted, but less of the things you need. If by chance you missed this tip and wasn't able to realize that your landlord definitely has an attitude, there's no need to panic.

3 Important Things to Note About Rental Scams

You should not be too sure about advertised rentals, for scammers also use such method to lure innocent victims and extort money from them. Before considering rental concerns like size, cost and location, you should keep watch first for scammers prowling around.

Smart Ways of Tracing and Collecting Old Rentals Debts

A landlord's duty is never easy, in some cases, you would have to wear a detective's hat especially when one of your tenants left without paying his or her rental debts.

5 Expert Tips on How to Become a ‘Lord of Landlords’

To become a successful landlord it would mean going beyond collecting rents and creating leasing agreements. You should learn to become not just a mere landlord but perhaps a 'lord of landlords'.

Personalize Your Rental Without Painting

You can only do so much in a rented home as far as decorations are concerned. It's quite sad if you can't express your inner artist in your own home. But don't worry, there are ways to deal with that without the need to paint up the whole scene.

Tricks To Save Up On Rent - How To Negotiate Effectively and When's The Best Time To Rent?

America's population of renters is increasing continuously. This is why the rental prices are driven to new heights. Almost 50% of renters in America are spending more than 30% of what they earn on housing, and one in 4 homes spends more than 50% of their income on housing.