
Leading Investment Firm Acquires Stake in HPP’s Hollywood Media Portf

Investment Firm Acquires Stake in HPP’s Hollywood Media Portfolio, Iconic CNN Center Is "for Sale"

A leading investment firm is acquiring a stake in Hudson Pacific Properties, which includes major film studios while WanerMedia revealed plans to sell its iconic CNN Center.
Real Estate Mugs

What Does Coffee Do to Your Real Estate Business? | Plus: Coffee Mugs for Real Estate Agents

The most cost-effective way of promoting yourself is to find time to make coffee appointments, talk about and invest in that person you're having coffee with. Before you know it, that person will turn around and talk about real estate.
Renters want to move out of NYC

Why Are Renters Eager to Move Out of NYC?

Many long-time New York City residents are considering to permanently relocate as a result of the pandemic, Forbes reported.
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