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Thursday, 28 November 2024
Remember when Joni Mitchell sang about paving paradise and putting up parking lots? Now parking lots are becoming a thing of the past, but does that mean paradise
Overlooking Central Park from high above 5th Avenue is this 7,750 square-foot apartment spread over two floors that actress Anne Hathaway
A recent supertall in one of Miami's hippest neighborhoods has a $37 million penthouse that looks like it is from the future.
Here's the best time to list your home, according to recent research from Realtor.com in the 50 largest metros around the country.
Home sellers have a lot to worry about: Will anyone want to buy their property for its full asking price? How long will it take to find a buyer
For the past few years, home sellers have been in the driver's seat. With hordes of buyers fighting over a very limited supply of properties,
If you're looking to buy a house, you're probably eager and excited. That's fine, but just keep in mind that in this heightened emotional state
Britain may be across the "pond" from America, but the growing chaos around Brexit, Britain's planned departure from the European Union
You wouldn't necessarily know it from watching the ads on tv - but investing isn't just about retirement. Most of us have short-term goals as well
If you're looking to buy a house, you're probably eager and excited. That's fine, but just keep in mind that in this heightened emotional state, it's easy to get swept up in the moment and behave, well, not perfectly.
My husband and I are very excited to buy a home ... eventually. When will we be ready? We don't really know. The whole process feels so incredibly vague and intimidating.
Real estate investment trusts offer the primary benefits of real estate investing - diversification, dividend income and an inflationary hedge
Foreign investment in Australian real estate fell 58 per cent last financial year, making it the second consecutive dramatic fall since the peak of 2016.