Han Solo Prequel: Directors Say It’s A Dream Come True; Question Is, ‘Is It A Good Idea’?

Star Wars Films have another project in line which the power dou Christopher Miller and Phil Lord will direct. According to these directors, it is a dream come true for them to work on "Han Solo Prequel", but do fans think that it is a good idea for Star Wars Universe to have this kind of spin off?

Star Wars wrote in their blog about the anthology series of Star Wars Films. According to its article, it will be directed by the acclaimed directors of "The LEGO Movie" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." Millar and Lord said that they are anticipating to adapt their exceptional creative chemistry to the Star Wars universe. For them, working on this upcoming project gives them that right feeling. "This is the first film we've worked on that seems like a good idea to begin with. We promise to take risks, to give the audience a fresh experience," they said. They also pledge themselves to be faithful stewards of the characters who are also dear to them. It is a dream come true to them working on the greatest characters.

Though Lord and Millar are good writers, Vanity Fair says that the 3rd film in the Star Wars Anthology series will be written by Lawrence Kasdan and his son Jon Kasdan. Lawrence Kasdan is already a Star Wars veteran.

It is reported that the story of the 3rd film will focus on the life of young Han Solo. Fans will get to know more about Han as a thief, smuggler and scoundrel. In addition, this new film would not similar to what would have been directed by Josh Trank.

In a different note, Hollywood Reporter shared a little trivia about Christopher Miller. He used to be an intern at Lucas Film, and back then he was asked to wear the Stormtrooper costume for the Special Edition "Star Wars" movie of George Lucas. Of course, Miller gladly and geekily accepted.

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