'Destiny: The Taken King' Release Update: Vanguard Heroic Playlist with L40 Requirement Replaces Weekly Heroic Strike Missions in Sept. 15

"Destiny: The Taken King" will be released on Sept. 15, while Bungie is slowly revealing great new changes that are accompanying this expansion. "Destiny: The Taken King" developer informed the players that the latest developments in the game will affect Weekly Heroic Strike missions and the Nightfall.

Luke Smith of Bungie said "The death penalty of being kicked to orbit often leads to players feeling forced to play too safe, rather than running through the world as a monster killing machine," Bungie Weekly Update quoted. Players are sure to be relieved and delighted to hear that guardians will no longer return to orbit when they fail a mission.

"Destiny: The Taken King's" modifications to the Nightfall missions include a requirement to reach Level 40 and also, it now uses 30 second time-out penalty for Death, a feature similar to Raid Normal.

"Destiny: The Taken King" players can bid Weekly Heroic Strikes goodbye as they are being substituted with a Vanguard Heroic Playlist that comes with a Level 40 requirement, the removal of Weekly Cap on how many Legendary Marks a player can earn, collection of Legendary Marks for the completion of the first three Weekly Strikes, and a guarantee of a Legendary Engram drop from a character's first clear of a Weekly Heroic Strike.

Meanwhile, "Destiny: The Taken King" update does not indicate what happens to the strange coins that drops from Weekly Heroic Strikes. However, amidst the massive changes, guardians can expect that Bungie will still allow the buying of exotics and other treats from Xur.

"Destiny: The Taken King" gamers who would like to keep up with other gameplay information and want to know additional beneficial and exciting facts about the game, Destiny Wiki Guide: How to, Tips, Tricks, & More! or go to Destiny House of Wolves Wiki Guide: How to, Tips, Tricks, & More! by Twinfinite can help.

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