5 Movies that Destroyed Actors' Careers; Hayden Christensen, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in the List

Often times, movies can define the actor's career. The actors' movie roles can guide them to greatness and success, or will make them lose the limelight in a split second as well.

Bad movies are not always the aim of producers and actors or actresses. The inevitable always happen and when one side of the coin is flipped, expecting the inconceivable is always the case. According to a past article by Screenrant, "Even the great Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, with Oscars and a bevy of other accolades to their names, succumbed to the awfulness of a Righteous Kill."|

The first movie off the list hampered an actor's road to success is "Attack of the Clones". It appears that Hayden Christensen was not able to deliver the role. Screenrant noted that Hayden Christensen became one of the most reviled figures in "Star Wars" lore. The second movie is "Showgirls". Elizabeth Berkley was casted for the role but she never regained her footing and never made it to the limelight just like Sharon Stone din in the past. According to a past article by Screenrant, "Verhoeven had successfully helped Sharon Stone reach stardom with his other sexy thriller "Basic Instinct", the hope was for this to be a similar hit and establish Berkley as a cinematic bad girl but unfortunately, it was a massive disaster."

Even Cuba Gooding was not exempted for starring is disastrous movies. The "Boat Trip" affected his career and it was never the same. According to a description by Rottentomatoes, "Boat Trip is a lame, juvenile farce that's heavy on stereotypes and desperate antics but short on brains and laughs."

Lindsay Lohan was added to the list of entertainers whose movies have dragged their career down. "I Know Who Killed Me" was panned for having a ludicrous plot that was definitely not suspenseful and fought to keep the audiences' interest at bay. Finally the last movie that killed the career was "The Love Guru". According to a post by Screenrant, "Mike Myers has made viewers laugh for decades but he isn't immune to choosing a poor script and the "The Love Guru" has the worst script of them all."

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