'Big Brother 17' Spoilers & Rumors: Austin Got Evicted, Steve Wins Final 4 HOH

The live feeds have been dark for 26 hours. "Big Brother 17" fans have been dying to know who got evicted in the surprised pre-taped eviction. At the time that the feeds were turned off Vanessa won the HOH and then she nominated Johnny Mac and Steve. Johnny Mac knows that his stay at the game is at risk and he pulled out a veto win. He was able to get out of it and forced Vanessa to nominate Austin in replace of him.

According to Celeb Dirty Laundry, there are rumors circulating that Austin got evicted. It was a 2-1 vote and Vanessa was the one who broke the tie. Vanessa indeed fulfilled his promise to Johnny Mac and she sent Austin home. It is now up to Vanessa on who she will be teaming up for the last week. Perhaps that would depend on who will win the Head of Household competition final 4.

Rumors have it that Johnny Mac won his first HOH securing him a spot in the final 3. But if he did really won, then who will he nominate? Will it be Vanessa, Liz or Steve? With the looks of it, he might go for Vanessa or Steve since he felt betrayed when they voted him to be evicted weeks ago. Johnny Mac needs to step up his game if he really wants to win. Both Vanessa and Johnny Mac are deciding who the next target would be and they think it got to be Steve.

So there, the latest update--Austin was indeed evicted. HOH was caught in a tie between Johnny Mac and Steve, and it was Steve who pulled it off in the final round. Steve is now the Final 4 Head of Household.

Moments after Austin's eviction he gave an interview to The Hollywood Reporter. He said that his exit came as a shock. When asked what was going through his head as he walks out the house? He answered, "Vanessa completely betrayed me. I knew it was a possibility because it's Big Brother, but her whole game was about playing with integrity and not betraying me since we made a final two deal on the second day." He added, "She swore to me on her family, her girlfriend, the LGBT community and the Bible and she'll have to deal with those consequences of making those pledges and going back on it."

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